Trying is an attitude
Date:3, 8, 2018Hits:1
Trying is an attitude. It has nothing to do with your age.
Someone kept pushing his horizon when he was already 45, and he found his dream job the next year.
This man's name is Barack Obama.
And his new job was the President of the United States.
Another man thought his golden age had already ended when he was 35. So he gave up and accepted the status quo.
And no one knows his name.
No one cares.
No, trying does not only belong to the young or children.
And it has nothing to do with time.
It's not an obligation put on your shoulder by others. It is the desire for a better self that takes root deeply in your heart. It is a positive life-attitude.
The most horrible thing that can happen in your life is not being unseccessful even though you tried, but that you give up and tell yourself it is precious to be just ordinary.
Someone kept pushing his horizon when he was already 45, and he found his dream job the next year.
This man's name is Barack Obama.
And his new job was the President of the United States.
Another man thought his golden age had already ended when he was 35. So he gave up and accepted the status quo.
And no one knows his name.
No one cares.
No, trying does not only belong to the young or children.
And it has nothing to do with time.
It's not an obligation put on your shoulder by others. It is the desire for a better self that takes root deeply in your heart. It is a positive life-attitude.
The most horrible thing that can happen in your life is not being unseccessful even though you tried, but that you give up and tell yourself it is precious to be just ordinary.
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