Dream to some
Date:3, 8, 2018Hits:1
Many of you fail to seek your purpose in life and you should. You dream and then follow it up with a list of all the reasons why the dream is unachievable. You fill your life with excuses and "I can't." Many great companies were conceived from a dream, nurtured in a garage or basement and grew to be traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Why not you? Why not your dream? The only true limits you experience in life are those you create or those you allow others to impose upon you. If you can dream it, you can do it!
Dreaming is the easy part. Acting on the dream is harder. Recognize that a dream is a journey. On the simplest level, it takes commitment,time,desire, and courage. But rarely is something great easily realized. Dreaming is recognizing and embracing the potential for greatness and seeking it in all areas of your life. Believe in your dreams and your ability to accomplish them. Keep your dreams in front of you. I'm here to challange you to reach for your dream. Do not be afraid to dream. Never forget, if you can dream it, you can do it!
From: http://www.hxen.com/englisharticle/yingyumeiwen/2017-03-25/462732.html
Dreaming is the easy part. Acting on the dream is harder. Recognize that a dream is a journey. On the simplest level, it takes commitment,time,desire, and courage. But rarely is something great easily realized. Dreaming is recognizing and embracing the potential for greatness and seeking it in all areas of your life. Believe in your dreams and your ability to accomplish them. Keep your dreams in front of you. I'm here to challange you to reach for your dream. Do not be afraid to dream. Never forget, if you can dream it, you can do it!
From: http://www.hxen.com/englisharticle/yingyumeiwen/2017-03-25/462732.html
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